Wings (Make 2)
Start with navy blue yarn.
Round 1: 4 SC in AM (4)
Round 2: (Inc, 1 SC) *2 (6)
Round 3: (Inc, 2 SC) *2 (8)
Round 4: (Inc, 3 SC) *2 (10)
Change to turquoise yarn.
Round 5: (Inc, 4 SC) *2 (12)
Round 6: (Inc, 5 SC) *2 (14)
Round 7: (Inc, 6 SC) *2 (16)
Round 8: (Inc, 7 SC) *2 (18)
Round 9: 1 SC in each stitch (18)
Round 10: (1 Dec, 1 SC) *6 (12)
Round 11: (Dec) *6 (6)
Bind off, do not stuff.
Leave a tail for sewing.
Tail (3 Sizes of Feathers)
Large (with turquoise yarn)
Make 3:
Round 1: 6 SC in AM (6)
Round 2: 6 Inc (12)
Round 3: (1 SC, Inc) *6 (18)
Round 4: (2 SC, Inc) *6 (24)
Round 5: (3 SC, Inc) *6 (30)
Round 6-8: 1 SC in each stitch (30)
Round 9: (3 SC, Dec) *6 (24)
Round 10: 1 SC in each stitch (24)
Round 11: (2 SC, Dec) *6 (18)
Round 12-13: 1 SC in each stitch (18)
Round 14: (1 SC, Dec) *6 (12)
Round 15-17: 1 SC in each stitch (12)
Bind off, do not stuff.
Leave a tail for sewing.
Medium (with navy yarn)
Make 3:
Round 1: 6 SC in AM (6)
Round 2: 6 Inc (12)
Round 3: (1 SC, Inc) *6 (18)
Round 4: (2 SC, Inc) *6 (24)
Round 5-7: 1 SC in each stitch (24)
Round 8: (2 SC, Dec) *6 (18)
Round 9: 1 SC in each stitch (18)
Round 10: (1 SC, Dec) *6 (12)
Round 11-13: 1 SC in each stitch (12)
Bind off, do not stuff.
Leave a tail for sewing.
Small (with green yarn)
Make 3:
Round 1: 4 SC in AM (4)
Round 2: 4 Inc (8)
Round 3: (1 SC, Inc) *4 (12)
Round 4: (2 SC, Inc) *4 (16)
Round 5: (3 SC, Inc) *4 (20)
Round 6: 1 SC in each stitch (20)
Round 7: (3 SC, Dec) *4 (16)
Round 8: 1 SC in each stitch (16)
Round 9: (2 SC, Dec) *4 (12)
Round 10-12: 1 SC in each stitch (12)
Bind off, do not stuff.
Leave a tail for sewing.
Chain 9, 8 SC in each stitch (starting from the second chain from the hook), don’t cut the yarn.
Chain 9, 8 SC. Repeat 3 more times.
Feet (Make 2)
Claws (with yellow yarn), make 3:
Round 1: 3 SC in AM (3)
Round 2: 3 Inc (6)
Rounds 3-4: 1 SC in each stitch (6)
Do not cut the thread after the last claw. Join all claws together:
Round 5: 3 SC in the second claw, 6 SC in the third claw, 6 SC in the third claw, 3 SC in the second claw, 6 SC in the first claw (18)
Round 6: 1 SC in each stitch (18)
Round 7: (7 SC, Dec) *2 (16)
Round 8: (2 SC, Dec) *4 (12)
Round 9: 6 Dec (6)
Bind off, do not stuff.
Peacock Beak (with yellow yarn)
Round 1: 3 SC in AM (3)
Round 2: 3 Inc (6)
Round 3: (Inc) *6 (12)
Rounds 4-5: 1 SC in each stitch (12)
Finish and close.
Fill and leave a tail to sew.
- Sew the hair to the top of the head.
- Sew the beak to the front of the head, between rounds 15-18.
- Sew the wings onto the body on the sides.
- Sew the feet to the bottom of the body.
- Sew the tail feathers to the back in rows, one below the other:
Start with the smallest feathers (between rounds 30-31), then the medium ones (Rounds 31-32), and finish with the largest feathers (Rounds 32-33). - For a more stable peacock, sew the tail a little lower.
- Embroider the eyebrows above the eyes.
And there you have it! Your beautiful Amigurumi Peacock is ready to shine. Enjoy the process and feel free to share your creations with us!