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Mushroom free crochet pattern


Legs & Body

Start with cream-coloured yarn:

  • R1. 5 sc in MR (5)
  • R2. 5 inc (10)
  • R3 - 4. Sc around (10)

First leg is finished! Fasten off and cut the yarn. Crochet the second leg till round 4 but don't cut the yarn. Chain 2 on the second leg and join the first leg.

  • R5. 10 sc + 2 sc (first side of the chain) + 10 sc + 2 sc (other side of the chain) (24)
  • R6. 3 sc, 1 inc (30)
  • R7-9. Sc around (30)
  • R10. 4 sc, 1 inc *6 (36)
  • R11. Sc around (36)
  • R12. 3 sc, 1 dec *7, 1 sc (29)
  • R13-14. Sc around (29)
  • R15. Sc, dec (2 sc, 1 dec) *5, 6, 2 sc (22)

Start to stuff with fiberfill, make him chunky! If you use safety eyes, insert them now between rounds 9-10.

  • R16. 3 sc, 1 dec *4, 2 sc (18)
  • R17. Sc around (18)
  • R18. FLO inc around (36)
  • R19. (3 sc, inc) *9 (45)
  • R20. 4 sc, inc *9 (54)
  • R21. 5 sc, inc *9 (63)
  • R22. Sc around (63)
  • R23. BLO 5 sc, 1 dec *9 (54)
  • R24. 4 sc, 1 dec *9 (45)
  • R25-27. Sc around (45)
  • R28. 3 sc, 1 dec *9 (36)
  • R29-30. Sc around (36)
  • R31. 2 sc, 1 dec *9 (27)
  • R32. 1 sc, 1 dec *9 (18)

Now stuff the "hat" very lightly around the edge and work your way up. The hat should not stand out too much and should feel very airy (or else it will stand out too much from the body part). Again: less is more!

  • R33. 9 dec (9)

Cut the yarn, leave some tail of the yarn to finish off the remaining hole. Insert your remaining yarn with the needle into the FLO of every stitch (9x). Cut the yarn, almost finished! Only the Add-ons are missing, then you're done!

NOTE: This pattern is designed so that the mushroom cap can "pop up." If you don't like this about your plushie, simply sew in the cap to the body so that it stays on the body permanently. Either way, it's very cute!


  • 2x
    R1. 6 sc in MR (6)
    R2. 6 inc (12)
    R3. Sc around (12)
    Cut the yarn and leave a long tail for sewing.
  • 2x
    R1. 8 sc in MR (8)
    R2. 8 inc (16)
    R3. Sc around (16)
    Cut the yarn and leave a long tail for sewing.
  • 2x
    R1. 6 sc in MR (6)
    R2. Sc around (6)
    Cut the yarn and leave a long tail for sewing.
  • 2x Arms
    R1. 4 sc in MR (4)
    R2-3. Sc around (4)
    Cut the yarn and leave a long tail for sewing!

Now comes the embroidery part and then you're done! You did it! Thank you so much. You are officially a friend of a Shroomie now!


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