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 Necessary materials

  • Yarn: Pekhorka "Sock" (30); "Baby" from Troitsk black (0140), super white (0235), light marble (1663)
  • Hook 2.0 mm
  • Black half beads for eyes (12 mm)
  • Scissors
  • Large sewing needle
  • Glue
  • Filler (holofiber)


Rnd - round

MR- magic ring

Ch- chain

SI st- slip stitch

Sc- single crochet

Inc- increase

Dec- decrease

*The legs and body of the beaver are knitted in one piece.

Legs ( make 2)

1) We collect 8 ch. We knit on both sides of the chain, forming an oval.

2) inc in the second loop from the hook, 5 sc, 4 sc in one loop, 5 sc, inc (18)

3) 1 sc, inc, 5 sc, inc, 2 sc, inc, 5 sc, inc, 1 sc (


4) inc, 7 sc, inc, 4 sc, inc, 7 sc, inc (26)

5) 9 sc, inc, 6 sc, inc, 9 sc (28)

6-8) 28 sC

9) dec, 7 sc, 5 dec, 7 sc, dec (21)

10) 8 sc, dec, 1 sc, dec, 8 sc (19)

11) 7 sc, dec, 1 sc, dec, 7 sc (17)

12) 17 sC

13) inc, (3 sc, inc) * 4 (22)

14) 22 SC

15) (inc, 10 sc) * 2 (24)

al ~ 771

16) (5 sc, inc) * 4 (28)

17) (6 sc, inc) * 4 (32)

18] 32 sC

Stuff as you knit. Cut the & thread, fasten.

We knit the second leg in the same way. We do not cut the thread.

We continue to knit the body.


19) 9 sc on the first leg, 32 sc on the second leg, 23 sc on the first leg (64)

20) 64 sc

21) inc, 7 sc, 2 inc, 7 sc, inc, 7 sc, inc, 7 sc, inc, 6 sc, 2 inc, 7 sc, inc, 7 sc, inc, 6 sc (74)

22-31) 74 SC

32) 30 sc, 2 dec, 32 sc, 2 dec, 4 sc (70)

33) (5 sc, dec) * 10 (60)

34-35) 60 sc

36) (8 sc, dec) * 6 (54)

37-39) 54 sC

40) (4 sc, dec) * 9 (45)

41) 45 sc

42) (3 sc, dec) * 9 (36)

43-45) 36 sc

46) (4 sc, dec) * 6 (30)

Stuff as you knit.


1) 6 sc in MR

2) 6 inc (12)

3) (1 sc, inc) * 6 (18)

4) (2 sc, inc) * 6 (24)

5) (3 sc, inc) * 6 (30)

6) (4 sc, inc) * 6 (36)

7) (5 sc, inc) * 6 (42)

8) (6 sc, inc) * 6 (48)

9) (7 sc, inc) * 6 (54)

10-12) 54 sc

13) (8 sc, inc) * 6 (60)

14-16) 60 sc

17) (4 sc, inc) * 12 (72)

18) 72 sc

19) (8 sc, inc) * 9 (81)

20-26) 81 SC

27) (7 sc, dec) * 9 (72)

28) 72 sc

29) (6 sc, dec) * 9 (63)

30) 63 sc

31) (5 sc, dec) * 9 (54)

32) 64 SC

33) (4 sc, dec) * 9 (45)

34) (3 sc, dec) * 9 (36)

35) (2 sc, dec) * 9 (27)

Stuff as you knit.

Hands (make 2)

1) 6 sc in MR

2) 6 inc (12)

3) (1 sc, inc) * 6 (18)

4-6) 18 sc

7) (1 sc, dec) * 6 (12)

8) 12 sc

9) (1 sc, inc) * 6 (18)

10) (5 sc, inc) * 3 (21)

11-17) 21 SC

18) (5 sc, dec) * 3 (18)

19 -23) 18 sc

24) (1 sc, dec) * 6 (12)

25) 6 dec (6)

Stuff as you knit.

Pull the hole. Cut the thread and yhide.


1) 6 sc in MR

2) 6 inc (12)

3) (1 sc, inc) * 6 (18)

4) (2 sc, inc) * 6 (24)

5) (3 sc, inc) * 6 (30)

6) (4 sc, inc) * 6 (36)

7) inc, 17 sc, inc, 17 sc (38)

8) inc, 18 sc, inc, 18 sc (40)

9) 2 inc, 18 sc, 2 inc, 18 sc (44)

10) 1 sc, 2 inc, 20 sc, 2 inc, 19 sc (48)

11) 2 sc, 2 inc, 11 sc, inc, 10 sc, 2 inc, 10 sc, inc, 9 sc (54)

12) 17 sc, 2 inc, 24 sc, 2 inc, 9 sc (58)

13-16) 58 sC

17) 2 sc, 2 dec, 25 sc, 2 dec, 23 sc ( 54)

18) 54 sC

19) 2 sc, dec, 25 sc, dec, 23 sc (52)

20) 2 sc, dec, 24 sc, dec, 22 sc (50)

21) 2 sc, dec, 23 sc, dec, 21 sc (48)

22) 2 sc, dec, 22 sc, dec, 20 sC (46)

23) 2 sc, dec, 21 sc, dec, 19 sc (44)

24) 2 sc, dec, 20 sc, dec, 18 sc (42)

25) 2 sc, dec, 19 sc, dec, 17 sc (40)

26) 2 sc, dec, 18 sc, dec, 16 sc (38)

27) 2 sc, dec, 17 sc, dec, 15 sc (36)

28) 2 sc, dec, 16 sc, dec, 14 sc (34)

29) 2 sc, dec, 15 sc, dec, 13 sc (32)

30) 2 sc, dec, 14 sc, dec, 12 sc (30)

31) 2 sc, dec, 13 sc, dec, 11 sc (28)

32) 2 sc, dec, 12 sc, dec, 10 sc (26)

If desired, fill quite a bit, with a thin layer.

Fold and knit 13 sc.

Fasten the • thread, leave a long end for sewing.


1) 6 sc in MR

2) 6 inc (12)

3-7) 12 sC


8) 6 dec (6)

Pull the hole. Leave the thread for sewing.


1) 5 ch. We knit on both sides of the chain, forming an oval:

2) from the 2nd loop from the hook, make inc, 2 sc, 3 sc in one loop, 3 sc (10)

3-6) 10 sc

Do not stuff.

Fold the part and knit 5 sc.

Fasten the thread, leave a long end for sewing.

Embroider a stripe in brown in the middle.

Ears (make  2)

1) 6 sc in MR

2) 6 inc (12)

3) (1 sc, inc) * 6 (18)

4-6) 18 sc Fold the part and knit 9 sc.

Then fold again and knit 4 sc.


We make a tightening for the eyes, nose and teeth. Sew on the nose and teeth.

Glue on the eyes. With a white thread we embroider the whites of the eyes, with a black thread we embroider cilia and eyebrows.

Congratulations, you have completed the amigurumi beaver pattern.


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